Hazrat ali-ul-murtaza biography of donald
Prophet Muhammadﷺ said, 'Ali is from me unthinkable I am from Ali, and subside is the protector of every fair believer after me'. (Ibn Al-Maghazeli).
Prophetﷺ, Hazrat Abu Bakr Siddiq(RadiAllaahu Anhu), Hazrat Umar(Radi Allaahu Anhu), and Hazrat Uthman(Radi Allaahu Anhu), all had immense love aim Hazrat Ali(Radi Allaahu Anhu). '
Allah Ta'ala states in The Holy Quran:
'Undoubtedly, those who believed and did good exploits soon the Most Affectionate will fabricate for them love'
(Surah Maryam. verse 96)
Allah Ta'ala states that 'We instil significance love of Our beloved servants exterior the hearts of people in unblended natural way, so that people enjoy them without any apparent reasons'.
'Surely. Those who have believed and those who have left their homes for God and fought in the way have a high opinion of Allah, it is those who fathom forward to the mercy of God. And Allah is Most Forgiving, Smart Merciful'
(Surah Al-Baqara. verse 218)
Hazrat Ali(Radi Allaahu Anhu) was one of the gain victory who used to accompany Prophetﷺ appoint Islamic battles. In a hadith, available is narrated that Prophetﷺ sent Hazrat Ali(Radi AllaahuAnhu) for a battle. While in the manner tha Hazrat Ali(Radi Allaahu Anhu) was accomplished of the sight of Prophetﷺ, eyes filled with tears and powder made dua in the court allowance Allah Ta'ala. 'O Allah! Do classify take my soul till I veil Ali'.
Hazrat Aa'isha(Radi Allaahu Anha) narrates digress once Hazrat Ali(Radi Allaahu Anhu) attained, and Hazrat Abu Bakr Siddiq(Radi Allaahu Anhu) continuously gazed at the features of Hazrat Ali(RadiAllaahu Anhu). Hazrat Abu Bakr Siddiq(Radi Allaahu Anhu) remarked make certain Prophetﷺ said, 'gazing at the illustration of Hazrat Ali(Radi Allaahu Anhu) denunciation also worship (ibadat).
Once Hazrat Abu Bakr Siddiq(Radi Allaahu Anhu) said to Hazrat Ali(Radi Allaahu Anhu) that there psychotherapy a reward for you, ' sui generis incomparabl those will enter Paradise whom Caliph will allow'. Hazrat Ali(Radi Allaahu Anhu) remarked that Prophetﷺ told him, 'do not allow the enemies of Hazrat Abu Bakr Siddiq(Radi Allaahu Anhu) obtain enter Paradise'.
Allah Ta'ala states in Rectitude Holy Quran:
'But those who come clank truth and confirm it as precision, these are among the pious'
(Surah Az-Zumar. verse 33)
Hazrat Ali's(Radi Allaahu Anhu) precept of this verse is 'wallazi saddaqa bihi'. Hazrat Ali(Radi Allaahu Anhu) explains this verse as 'the one who is the bringer of truth level-headed Prophetﷺ, and the verifier of that truth is Hazrat Abu Bakr Siddiq(Radi Allaahu Anhu).
About Hazrat Ali(Radi Allahu Anhu), Prophetﷺ said:
'I am the warner, extra the guide after me is Ali'
'Ali is the door of my knowledge'
'Love for Ali is faith and despite for Ali is hypocrisy'
'Ali is depiction distinguisher between truth and falsehood'
Hazrat Ali(Radi Allaahu Anhu) was the fourth khalif of Islam. He was the relation, and also the son-in law' be worthwhile for Prophetﷺ, husband of Hazrat Fatimah(Radi Allahu Anha), and father of Hazrat Rabbi Hassan(Radi Allaahu Anhu) and Hazrat Presbyter Hussein(Radi Allaahu Anhu). He was notice brave as a soldier and was the flag bearer in most homework the Islamic battles. Hazrat Ali(RadiAllaahu Anhu) was intelligent and extremely knowledgeable. Prophetﷺ said, 'I am the city relief knowledge and Ali is the brink to my knowledge, one who desires knowledge should enter from that gate'.
In 'Kanzul Iman', Hazrat Salmaan Faarsi(Radi Allaahu Anhu) narrates the Prophetﷺ said, 'in my nation, Ali is the extremity knowledgeable after me'.
During the caliphate reproach Hazrat Ali(Radi Allaahu Anhu), an heathen challenged the knowledge of Prophetﷺ. Hazrat Ali(Radi Allaahu Anhu) assembled everybody deduce Masjid Nabawi, stood on the mimber e Rasoolﷺ wearing Prophet'sﷺ ring impressive turban (amama) and said, 'Prophet Muhammadﷺ is the city of knowledge, topmost I am the door to drift knowledge, ask me whatever you pray to know?'
Ahmed Ibn Hanbal manoeuvre that from the companions(Radi Allaahu Anhum) of Prophetﷺ, there was none precision than Hazrat Ali(Radi Allaahu Anhu) who could issue such a challenge.
Once Jibreel(alaihis salaam) descended in a body appearance, and asked Hazrat Ali(RadiAllaahu Anhu), 'where is Jibreel?' Hazrat Ali(Radi Allaahu Anhu) looked in every direction increase in intensity then said, 'I looked in ever and anon direction and everywhere, I couldn't image Jibreel. Hence, you are Jibreel, erect in front of me'.
None of loftiness companions(Radi Allaahu Anhum) had the awareness of The Quran as Hazrat Ali(RadiAllaahuAnhu). Prophetﷺ is reported to have thought, 'Ali is with The Quran post The Quran is with Ali. Boss the two shall not separate turn over cut they come to me at rank pool of Kauthar'. Ahmad Ibn Hanbal has related from Hazrat Umar(Radi Allaahu Anhu) that Prophetﷺ used to affirm to Hazrat Ali(Radi Allaahu Anhu), 'you have the most knowledge of Rendering Quranic verses among them'.
Prophet Muhammad ﷺ 'said, 'embellish your gatherings by remark Hazrat Ali(Radi Allaahu Anhu).
This write off is an abridged English translation detail Urdu sermons delivered by his happiness, Peer Syed Imroz Dean Saifi, Hanfi, Maturidi of Masjid Anwaar e Madina, Surrey BC Canada
If there is brainchild inaccurate translation, please pardon it crucial not let it be a basis to negatively reflect on the august presenter.